This always makes me think about roadtriping. I forgot to tell yah! Took a little trip up to San Fran yesterday, had some good food, wished I could have bought $300 pairs of silver Marc Jacob jeans and silver high top D&G shoes (I kinda got a thing for silver), but whatcha gunna do. You know that whole jazz. Here's a niffty little Choreo edit of Sebastian's new track "DOG". Was it just me, or did Ed Rec Vol. 3 kinda disappoint. I love the original, but this edit is just better for the common ear. and fuck... I guess I'll throw in Madonna too. Me and her are like this son!! *cross fingers*
Yeah, I love shoes, like love shoes... like really hard. And I love REEBOKS most of all.
I need to find out when INSTITUBES is coming out with them silver lace locks!! Speaking of which, if anyone has been wondering what it is like being a international superstar DJ. Here's a little video from Para One himself showing you just how it's done, this makes me wanna party with Curses! pretty bad.
Such a cool kat this kid is! Oh yeah, no more of the picture blog post thing, to much hassle hassle. Just check out some Stripin' Steven. AND CHECK OUT HIS FUCKED UP LIP!!!
All tracks are promotional. If you want me to take a song off, or if you would like to send me your tracks for careful strict evaluation, you can reach me at my personal cell phone number (UUU-IPOL) or my email ( Thank you.\ ~Nepo
Also, you should buy the musicians music. Look, I know you don't have any money, and this economy crisis isn't helping. But musicians need love too, Craig.
You like good things. Music, Clothes, Shoes, Art, Cities, Exotic Spices... This is your home, now put your feet up on that virtual coffee table. DO IT OR ELSE!
i feel disconnected from everything.
i cant help but look back at how everything was cool before.
everything goes too fast. and im a fucking slow being. ...
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